Sunday, July 20, 2008


Well, Laurie came down to visit this yesterday and today. She came down just to see me... cute, huh? I was a bit nervous, to be honest... We enjoyed getting together and just spending time with each other. It's weird, because we kind of just picked up right from where we left off. Well, I'm going over to dinner at her sister's place in Saratoga Springs today before Laurie heads back up to ID. Nervous about that, too, but I'm sure it'll all be good. She's a great girl with a good head on her shoulders. I don't know how much to say, but I'm sure you'll all be seeing her around in the near future. :) Success!

Oh, I also took my concealed firearms permit class yesterday. Way good! I won't be sending in the application for a bit (money... blah), but I will eventually... Success!


  1. Sounds like fun for Dan... :-)

  2. Hey. Make sure you try out for American Idol on Monday!,5143,700246116,00.html
