Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Welcome Home, Hyrum!

He's home!!! Laurie and I are SO excited that we got to take Hyrum home with us at 10 this morning! He's now a wireless baby. (Go Wi-Fi!) Right now Laurie is holding him in her lap at my parents' house while he just snoozes away. Hyrum has been refered to as a miracle baby by many of the nurses. Laurie and I don't feel like we knew just how sick he was, but others have died of the same problems that he had. We want you all to know that we know that Hyrum is with us today because of the Priesthood power that has been restored in these last days. We know that through the faith and prayers of family, friends and loved ones, he is with us. God has been merciful and heard the prayers and answered them in the way we were hoping. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for your faith for our little Hyrum. We're so happy that we get to have him and to raise him. So, let a new adventure begin! Wet and stinky diapers, long nights, tiresome days... bring it on! We're just glad that we get to do it all with our Hyrum. (Pictures to come... we don't have the right cord with us.)


  1. didn't go wireless for the pictures huh? Have to have a cord?! Just Teasing... I am SO pleased that you got to bring him home, what a long journey.

  2. YAY!!!!! I am so excited for you guys! That's so awesome that you got to bring him home finally! I hope all goes well & that he continues to be a healthy baby!

  3. Hooray! Congrats to you all...we wish we were there to meet him! Hopefully before he gets too big! We love you and are happy for you!

  4. Yay!!! I am so excited and happy for you guys. We love you.

  5. Yay! I am so glad that he is home. How exciting! He has been in my prayers and I am glad that he is doing so good. It has been so fun to read all your updates on your blog. It's quite the journey that little Hyrum has already been on. I'm happy for you guys. Enjoy your little guy!

  6. Yay! I am so glad he's home! What an adventure he's had so far. Hopefully life will be boring for a bit! Congrats you guys!

  7. Congratulations! That is so great! I am so happy for you guys. Enjoy your new adventure!

  8. HOORAY! I'm so excited for you! YAY! That is so great! Can't wait to see pics!
