Saturday, October 31, 2009

HAPPY Halloween!

Hyrum is doing really well! We were delighted when we went to the hospital today. I'll let the video below explain:

Hyrum is also done with one of the antibiotics, his Bilirubin counts are way down, and he's doubled his feeding again to 12 ml (.4 oz) every 3 hours, he's off all his sedatives and his pain killers (i.e. morphine). He still has to let the other antibiotics do their job, probably for 9 more days (dependent upon the germatologist's suggestions). He just keeps doing better and better. The nurses say that he's doing amazing. We totally agree, plus he's about the cutest thing there is:


  1. Wow! What a Halloween Treat! That must feel SO good. We are so pleased.

  2. I am so glad he is doing so well. I have been thinking of you guys every day. It has only been a few weeks since our little guys got out of the NICU. It is a difficult experience for sure. Hang in there. He is a beautiful baby. We will keep you in our prayers.

  3. YAY! That's so exciting that he's breathing on his own & that you get to hold him! I loved the videos--what a cutie!

  4. Soooo happy for you guys! How great to get to be able to see him looking around and making noise--even hiccuping like his little cousin.

    Congratulations on the big improvements...he is quite the little trooper!

  5. That totally made me cry. What an amazing miracle modern medicine is. I'm so happy for you guys and so grateful that he's doing so well. Michael says, "Awww. What a cute little guy. They are so cute when they are little."

  6. That is so awesome Laurie! Nothing comes close to holding your baby for the first time. I am so glad he is getting stronger and we are keeping him in our prayers!

  7. HOORAY! Congratulations, I'm so happy you finaly got to hold him and that he's doing so good! I love how he is staring at you the whole time! He is so cute, I'm so happy for you!
