Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Life is good! Our wedding plans are moving right along. We just designed our wedding invitations and will finalize them when we actually reserve a place for our Reception in Orem. We're both very happy and excited about how things are going. This week we need to get that place reserved, and hopefully get our announcements printed. They're cute!

On a side note, I've gotten Laurie addicted to "Lost". Ha! We've watched most of the first season in just about a week. That's kind of funny. Trust me, we go out and have fun too! We just have too much time o our hands! Ha!!

So, we move forward. Only 52 days! Holy cow! That rocks! :)


  1. That uber rocks!!! Yay!!! :)

  2. Holy cow! My Danny Meservy is getting married. Way to go. You better make sure and send me an announcement. Its about time you boys catch up with Tanner. Congrats

    chels (johnson) elting
