Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Secret Confession...

I like Taylor Swift! I think she's got great music, and I turn up the sound in my car to listen to her driving to and from basketball games! And I don't care who knows it!! Phew... now that that's out, let me explain.

You, our priviledged readers, get access to important (and once secretive) information sometimes. Yes, I'm a man. It's true. And I enjoy country pop. So? Does that lessen my man-hood? No way!

Maybe it's because I married a little Idaho girl, and she likes her country music (to an extent). In either case, we've listened to a lot of Taylor Swift lately, and frankly, I enjoy it. I confess that on Monday driving to and from playing basketball with my friends, I turned the iPod to Taylor and sang along (as much as I could, considering I don't know all the words yet). Then after a tough-fought game of basketball, including rolling my ankle several times, I hopped back in the car and turned up the music. I enjoy it. The lyrics tell stories, and she says it like it is. Even her mean-girl songs... if you know Taylor Swift, you know what I mean.

There you have it! Share it with the world. Dan likes Taylor Swift.

Don't worry, Laurie... you're still my one and only! :)


  1. Cute confession!

    Dave and I used to listen to a lot of Country---but it was more like Garth, that was over a decade ago!!

  2. Dan--you continue to impress me! It takes a real man to admit they like Taylor Swift (I've not listened to her yet....)Glad to hear that things are going well for you guys--but I think they'd go even better if you made a trip to Phoenix to visit Laurie's favorite you guys!!!
